Liljedahl Group in brief

Long-term vision, commitment and responsibility are the keywords that describe the business approach of Liljedahl Group.

Liljedahl Group (2023)

23 394

Net Sales, SEK M




EBITA margin, %


Average number of employees

Liljedahl Group is a committed owner that manages and supports its holdings via owner directives and active board work. Long-term vision, commitment and responsibility are the keywords that describe the business approach of Liljedahl Group.

Since its start in 1982, Liljedahl Group has seen profitable growth. Liljedahl Group today has seven wholly-owned holdings with combined revenue of some SEK 23 billion. Liljedahl Group is also principal owner in Bufab, which is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. Bufab's sales amount to approx. SEK 9 billion. The holdings have operations in Europe, Asia and USA.

Number of employees is converted into full-time employees.

Business concept

Liljedahl Group is a long-term owner that contributes to its companiesĀ“ continued development.
As an owner, we take an active role and create stable conditions for further growth.Ā 

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